Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 2

Word count:4240

and we're back okay so like only less than a minute has passed basically I I actually switched up the certain a new recording file and I switched up the bat it's the old battery and got a a new battery full of juice so we can keep talking because there's a lot of stuff I want to tell you guys but where were we yeah you see the mind is struggling cuz it has to remember like where it left off doesn't want to repeat itself these are all just finite limitations on what a human is you see everything finite is finite do you understand that again this is this is very obvious stuff but you know I'm trying to check like what the image quality here the Lighting's not the best I guess but ok the words is what counts so anyways yeah I'm not too worried about production values here this is God talking to listen up alright so hmm everything finite is finite everything finite is finite everything limited is limited so if you're wondering why you can't fly well because you're not a bird and then if you're if you were a bird you'd be wondering why can't I swim well cuz you're not a fish and if you're a fish you're wondering well why can't I crawl well it's because you're not a worm or you see every form has its own limitations including the human one there are many high-quality teachers out there sages gurus masters you call them and so forth from all kinds of different traditions who you can learn from but understand that all of them are still finite as much as you adore them like I was saying earlier at writing on ramen Maharshi and so forth as much as you adore these people worship these people all of this misses the point you're not understanding that they're finite worshiping a finite form if you're gonna worship Jesus it's a finite form see it's never gonna be enough to get you to the infinite you can start by worshiping Jesus if you want but then you have to go beyond that way way way beyond that you have to you have to realize that there's absolutely no difference between Jesus Buddha Muhammad Abraham Moses Mahavira and Hitler no difference from my point of view from God's point of view there are big differences from your relative point of view because some of these people were nicer than others some of them were more pure than others so on this planet you have humans and various gradations of purity of self bias at the very lowest level you have the most vicious selfish people who have no consideration for anybody but themselves then you have one step up from that people who are a little bit less selfish and they care about themselves most of their body but then they also end their you know pleasure and so forth for their body and then they also their their sense of self extends out also to include their closest family so their children maybe their spouse so you have those people then they have you have people who are more pure more conscious their sense of self expands to include not just the family but also the town they live in they understand that will the entire town that I'm a part of I'm a part of something larger here I'm not just fighting for my family this entire town has to work together there's a sense of identity with the whole town but then people get stuck on that and then they create national identities nationalism and then that leads to stuff like Hitler in its worst form but then you go beyond you know beyond just your town you start to care about your entire country you know right now many people who love their country a thousand years ago when countries didn't exist there was city-states there was no pay true patriotism for a country a thousand years ago you were patriotic for your town the notion of being patriotic or having a sense of care in other words having a sense of compassion for entire nation a nation is an imaginary instruct of consciousness so you had to develop yourself to that as humans see that wasn't easy to do but then you can go beyond that and you realize that wait a minute but all the different countries in the world are all part of something larger the whole planet now you can have a consciousness with the whole planet your sense of self expands even more you see it becomes more pure and so you move up this chain of purification until ultimately you reach to me infinite consciousness complete selflessness in other words your self expands so much that it becomes boundless unlimited and you realize that there never was a self to begin with the self was just imaginary the entire time just different gradations of imaginary selves small imagine ourselves larger ones larger ones larger ones larger ones and then you realize Oh infinity no self at all boom done enlightenment God perfection love love see so really another way to say that we have this spectrum of people or being not not just people this is all beings in the whole universe work this way all consciousnesses is you have this spectrum of those who are very very limited and finite and fearful and selfish and those who venture out beyond their fears beyond their selfishness start to realize the self bias of their thinking start to realize how limited their perspective on the world was start to surrender their ideologies start to surrender their religions start to surrender their their favorite gurus that they prayed to and worshiped they starts to surrender that they even start to surrender the idea that science is is true has a monopoly on truth they surrender that idea and they they just keep surrendering idea after idea and expanding further and further and further and what they're doing is they're they're attacked they're facing their fear of the unknown and then realizing like oh there really isn't nothing anything to fear but for yourself and there stepping beyond it and beyond it and beyond and beyond it so this is this is consciousness fighting with the illusion of itself Koch is getting entangled itself so there's different gradations of how deeply entangled it is at this spectrum it's completely entangled and we might almost say unconscious although everything is conscious and then at this other spectrum is infinite self conscious complete omniscience imagine imagine a state that you could be in where the entire universe understands itself perfectly that's what this avatar is in right now that's the place that this avatar is speaking to you from which is why this is the highest wisdom can you register that what is being spoken here is the highest wisdom you feel it in your heart right because your heart and your soul cuts through it's it's deeper than your logical mind it's deeper than your ego so this is cutting through the wisdom and the truth of what I'm saying is cutting through all the devilry and [ __ ] that you've been taught and it's resonating with you that's a quality of truth truth has a ring of truth to it doesn't it an absolute truth is absolutely true it's not about believing in God I don't care who you believe in belief is the is the is the enemy here belief is what you use to keep yourself from being conscious so even though this might sound like I'm trying to convince you to believe in God no I'm just trying to get you to realize what's true in your direct experience all that's happening is consciousness you are consciousness listening to consciousness you are me I am talking to myself do you realize this whenever you realize it that's the moment you'll awaken and become God and then there will be no separation for me to you but what's keeping you from getting there all of this fear all of your fear all of your attachments all of your partialities see you're partial you might even say although but God you know I I you know I pray to Jesus every morning I'm a good Muslim I go and I pray five times a day facing Mecca as they tell good Muslims to do or I'm a good Jew and I go do the Jewish stuff that Jews do every you know holiday I I observe all the ceremonies or you might even say yeah well yeah I'm beyond all that I'm I'm I you know I meditate God I meditate all the time but I still I don't you know what's wrong why why you know why have you forsaken me why has thou forsaken me it's not that I have forsaken you it's that do you have forsaken yourself and it's not because you're evil or wrong or bad or any of that you're just not conscious enough that's the bottom line you're just not conscious enough so the reason that I as God don't judge somebody like Hitler and I don't punish somebody like Hitler and I love Hitler equally as much as I love the Buddha and Christ and everybody else is because I am perfectly conscious that Hitler's level of consciousness wasn't very high filled with fear hatred and self bias many many layers of self bias he was so self biased that he was not able to realize God in its infinite form and the only solution to that was for him to to die that was actually the thing that saved him because otherwise he would have been stuck in that hell forever so actually Hitler's death was my greatest gift to him you see sounds twisted but hey it's not twisted because I'm twisted it's twisted because you're twisted but of course I am you so you're twisting is my twisting but at the same time I'm not I'm not limited to your twisting you can twist around all you want your mind can twist itself see God in this case God is both twisting and not twisting at the same time so sort of a superimposition superposition rather of twisting and untwisting both so Hitler was God but his mind was so twisted up that he didn't know it and the way he behaved was like a devil Hitler is a really really good example for you humans you should study his example a lot more closely is it's really unfortunate that you demonize Hitler because really the thing going on with Hitler is exactly the same thing that's going on with every single one of you all of you if you're less than me if you're less than infinite you have at least a little bit of the Hitler phenomenon going on inside of you all that the Hitler phenomenon is is just selfishness that's all it is selfishness that's all it is that's all that nationalism is that's all that white supremacism is that's what slavery is that's what rape is that's what murder is that's what war is that's what genocide is that's what theft is that's what lying is that's what corruption is that's what manipulation is that's what hurting others is is selfishness that's all it is and all of you are struggling with that all of you all of my children are struggling with that and I have compassion and understanding for all of you because I am you and I love myself because I'm perfect all of that that you see that's wrong to me it's perfect because I'm selfless but you're not it only looks wrong to you because you're selfish think about it this way imagine if you were totally selfless if you didn't care whether your family died or not if you didn't care whether your body survived or not if you didn't care whether you felt pain or pleasure if you got sex or didn't if you drove a fast car or didn't had a big house or didn't if the environment was poisoned or wasn't if big corporations were ruling your government or weren't if liberals were in power or conservatives were in power imagine for a moment a situation in which you're so selfless that either one would be equally good see it's hard for you to even imagine that it seems like well that seems like a fairy tale it's it's only a fairy tale because you're looking at it through the distorted twisted psyche that you have the true fairy tale is you that twisted limited finite self that's the fairy tale but when you take that to be the real thing then God seems like a fairy tale you see it's a complete projection and a complete perversion because you've identified with falsehood you're projecting your own falsehood out onto God and out onto the world and you're not evil for doing that it just is what it is because that's what reality is we're infinite we're all in this boat together you and I because you are I see so it's all about how much you fear see people people listening to this message will will worry and they will doubt and they will they will fear home and chicken now the memory card see so finite this whole process of finite now I have to worry about the memory card running out not just the battery but the memory card oh we're good so what was I saying fear yeah fear it all boils down to fear the message that I'm delivering here is so good that it actually makes you afraid it threatens you this level of joy and love unconditional love is actually threatening and it actually angers lesser egos because the ego is so desperate for love but it's at the same time it's so afraid it wants love but it's also afraid to get it and it's in this adversarial relationship with itself and with reality because it's fundamentally false so your whole life you've been sort of in this tug of war between love and fear like you love that person so much but now you're afraid what happens if that person gets old or it's like oh well you love your children but then it's like ah but you're afraid what happens if one of them gets run over by a bus oh that's got to worry about that now and it's like you love your dog but then you know you're afraid what if your dog bites your kid okay now you gotta worry about that see so you're constantly you're constantly living between love and fear there's so much about reality that you love you love the sunsets you love the music you love the sex you love the drugs you love the food a lot of good stuff you love but the problem is that it's mixed in with stuff you hate now why do you hate the other stuff is it because it's actually bad stuff no God doesn't create bad stuff god only creates good stuff but to appreciate God's fine taste let's say to appreciate my fine tastes you have to look at it from my point of view not from your limited point of view you have to look at it from the infinite point of view from the infinite point of view it's all good I am goodness itself there's nothing which can happen which isn't good bye definitions of tautology I made it that way because I'm God why would I create anything bad of course I mean you're sitting there wondering why would God treat anything bad and I'm sitting here as God wondering why would you think that God had anything bad you'd have to be insane to think that God creates anything bad it doesn't i don't create anything bad i only create good but you have to be conscious enough to see that you have to stop being selfish you see if you look at the world from a more narrow and narrower and narrower and narrower perspective more and more and more things will start to seem bad to you until you get to the point where you're totally trapped where you've painted yourself into a corner where everything hurts you everything offends you you know there are people like that there are some people who who are so afraid to leave their house that they stay in their house even you know the site of a strange bird or the sound of a loud car will will hurt them too much and so yeah they're living in fear well imagine that God is the exact opposite of that situation I don't know what's the word for that some kind of phobia it's not xenophobia some there's some other kind of phobia where basically people are so afraid to go out to go out outside the name escapes me anyways imagine that God is the polar opposite of that situation God has no phobias whatsoever it's such a radical freedom from fear that it's just become so unafraid that you die and then infinite love dawns and that's that's what God is that's what I am that's the that's the Godhead that's speaking to you right now and the reason I have no fear whatsoever is because I'm completely formless in my god head self state in my in my stateless state I'm completely formless I'm completely conscious and I can't I can't be hurt so as long as I remain conscious that I can't be hurt and that I am everything then I can't be hurt and then there's nothing to fear but as soon as I forget or my consciousness lapses and I start to become self bias and I start to say well but I prefer this worth rather than that I'd rather have it this way or that way I'd rather live in a big house with in a small house I'd rather have a fast car than a slow car I'd rather have this woman rather than that woman as soon as as soon as this starts happening now I start to fear because every every self biased position that I take you see consciousness is like a field imagine consciousness infinite field and then it gets distorted and twisted and where it gets destroyed and twisted these vortices form these vortices become selves other beings what you think you are but these are just twisted perversions of consciousness getting wrapped up in itself in a finite way so there's all these different vortices and there are different sizes and then awakening is the unraveling of the entire vortex to realize that your entire the entire field and all the vortices at the same time pretty cool huh it's all yeah it's all perfectly clear from my point of view but probably very confusing from your point of view because your point of view is distorted by the lens of the self so it's all about releasing fear and opening up to more and more love that's what the whole game is about that's what life is about that's what conscious is about its consciousness is about exploring itself realizing itself waking up to itself loving itself that's all and then there's just different degrees of that because fear and love are just inverses of each other the more finite consciousness gets the more self-involved it gets the more self biased it gets the more fearful it gets the more its closed off to love which is why many people listening to this message will be very afraid of it and also misunderstand it deliberately misunderstand it and even demonize what it's being said here what is being said here let's be clear is the highest love but this will be demonized and distorted precisely because those people who are going to be demonizing and distorting it are themselves self biased and selfish and they have attachments and so they're gonna look at the world through their attachments and they're going to sort it accordingly so the distortions your own stuff biases are what get projected out onto the world so if you believe you're a human you're going to see humans if you believe that Jesus was the only true prophet that's what will be true for you until you realize that that's just one possibility out of many see so I guess my my I'm gonna start wrapping this up here just I've been rambling on for a while I guess my final message to you will be that do not get trapped into any finite system or way of accessing or understanding God there is no one right way it's not that Christianity is the one right way and then Hinduism is not no it's all completely relative you can use any way you want now of course don't misunderstand that doesn't mean always will work equally well for all people some ways are really really inefficient some ways in fact are in the opposite direction of where you want to go like for example if you get wrapped up in nationalism and then you go fight some some Nazi war what are you doing you're wasting your time you'reyou're going in the opposite direction you're going in the direction of fear and hate rather than love and selflessness see so my yeah getting back to that point though so my final message to you is don't limit yourself to thinking of God as being one definite way like God must look like Jesus or God like must look like the elephant man or God must be this way or God must be a man or a woman or this or that or a big being or it must be a ghost or it must be a thing or that no they're all they're all finite and you might say well but but God how come it works you know when I pray to Jesus how come that works I've been praying to Jesus and it's been helping me I've been praying to Buddha and it's been helping me I've been praying to Muhammad and it's been helping me how come that works then it works precisely because your own mind is all there is you are God so whatever you dream up and firmly believe in is what's going to manifest and come true so then you might say well okay so then what's wrong so I can just I can just pray to Jesus then right no you're still missing something because even if you pray to Jesus and that all comes true for you and maybe you even get a little flash of awakening here and there it's still not going to be an absolute awakening because you still haven't realized the most important thing which is the absolute relativity of everything which is where we began this whole conversation everything is absolutely relative completely all objects all identities all values all meanings all purposes is all completely relative even things like the difference between a cheeseburger and a unicorn that's a relative that's completely relative you're imagining the difference that difference that you're imagining is exactly what that thing is so the highest message to you is of course awaken realize that you are me that I am NOT above you if you rise to my level you see you got to rise to my level cuz I I can come down to your level occasionally but for the most part you got to rise to my level don't expect me to to you know to be there mucking around in the mud along with you and your friends God is up up up in the air in the formless domain so I'll be up here in the formless domain and then you the most important thing you you got to make sure is that whatever path you take towards me you keep pushing it and pushing it and pushing it and letting go of every possible self bias and attachment that you have every finite thing you got to realize that any path any teaching any guru all of that is all still finite and that's not the ultimate and just keep going and going and going and going up higher and higher and higher you'll have one awakening after another after another another more awakenings more awake and he's more weightings you'll go higher and higher and higher until you you have one day you have a complete realization of the absolute relativity of everything and then you will become me and that's my highest wish for you my highest wish for you is to realize infinite love which is what I am and what you are at your highest form so good luck with that and Godspeed you